- Webshop: Selling things over a network using a server, client and payment processor, or using a client and a server - EP803105 and EP738446
- Order by cell phone: Selling over a mobile phone network - EP1090494
- Shopping cart: Electronic shopping cart - EP807891 and EP784279
- [CDs] [Films] [Books]: Tabbed palettes - EP689133
- Picture link: Preview window - EP537100
- View/download film: Video data distribution through the web - EP933892
- View film: Video streaming ("segmented video on-demand") - EP633694
- MP3-format: Audio compression format, covered by numerous patents, e.g. EP287578
- Credit card: Pay using credit card via the Internet - EP820620 and EP779587
- Gift: Order a gift for someone via the Internet by providing his/her email address - EP927945
- Request loan: Automated loan application - EP715740
- VISA: Digital signature in graphic to show that the shop is approved for receiving VISA payments - EP798657
- Send offers: Send offers in response to request - EP986016
- Send to vendor: Reroute incoming orders to a vendor - EP217308
- Support database: Network support system using databases - EP673135
- Preview chapters: Use of TV as metaphor for selecting different video fragments - EP670652
- Ladybug image: JPEG format - EP266049
- Related results: Show related results if customer likes the current ones - EP628919
- Rebate code: Allow rebate codes to be entered by customers - EP370847
- Burn at shop: Material reproduction of information stored at remote location - EP195098